Additional information
Formats | bottle – 0.75 L, magnum – 1.5 L and Mathusalem – 6 L both only upon request, by writing to the following email address |
Formats | bottle – 0.75 L, magnum – 1.5 L and Mathusalem – 6 L both only upon request, by writing to the following email address |
Plant density: 6,250 plants / ha
Training system: Guyot
Soil: medium stony mixture derived from marly limestone of the alberese type and clayey schists (eocene) sandstone (oligocene) medium-high presence of skeleton. The Apennine influence is evident in the area, resulting in strong temperature changes especially in the summer period; viticulture therefore develops in a particularly suitable environment.
In the plots where the Merlot vines are planted, the presence of clay is higher.
Agronomic management of the vineyards: Organic
Harvest: manual in 15 kg boxes
Vinification: temperature controlled steel tank for about 25 days
Aging: about 24 months in French oak barrels of first passage and second passage; after bottling it is left to rest in the bottle for a few months before being placed on the market
Serving temperature: 15-18 ° C
Label: design by Marcello Scuffi
Appetizers with high quality cold cuts, dishes based on red meat and game, very aged cheeses.
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