-Wine contains a substance called resveratrol, a polyphenol with antioxidant properties, which slows down the aging process.
-It has a positive effect on the levels of: cholesterol, triglycerides and basal glycemia.
-It induces an increase in tissue sensitivity to the action of insulin.
-It has a fibrinolytic and antithrombotic action.
-Moderate wine intake also seems to have a beneficial effect on bones, counteracting osteoporosis in both men and women.
-Some studies have hypothesized a positive effect of white wine in the prevention of rheumatic diseases; this benefit would be due to two substances, tyrosol and caffeic acid, capable of counteracting inflammation.
-It helps release endorphins present in the brain, reducing depression.
-Furthermore, benefits of red wine have also been hypothesized for gallstone disease and some types of cancer.